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Extend The Platform

How to Extend GLOBEM

GLOBEM also provide flexbile ways for researhers and developers to add new algorithms, new datasets, as well as new modeling targets.

How to add a new algorithm

The platform supports researchers in developing their own algorithms easily. Reading through Platform Description before implementing new algorithms is strongly recommended.

An algorithm just needs to extend the abstract class DepressionDetectionAlgorithmBase and implement:

  1. Define the function prep_data_repo (as the feature preparation module) It takes in DatasetDict as the input and returns a DataRepo object (see the definition here), which is a simple data object that saves X, y, and pids (participant ids). This can be used for preparing both training and testing sets.
  2. Define the function prep_model (as the model computation module) It returns a DepressionDetectionClassifierBase object (see the definition here), which needs to support fit (model training), predict (model prediction), and predict_proba (model prediction with probability distribution).
  3. Add a configuration file in config (as the configuration module) At least one yaml file with a unique name needs to be put in the config folder. The config file will contain controllable parameters that can be adjusted manually. Please refer to config/ for more details.
  4. Register the new algorithm in algorithm/ by adding appropriate class import and if-else logic.

The platform further prepare two templates for easier implementation of common traditional ML and DL algorithms.

How to add an ML algorithm

We provide a basic traditional machine learning algorithm DepressionDetectionAlgorithm_ML_basic that extends DepressionDetectionAlgorithmBase.

Its prep_data_repo function

  1. takes the feature vector at the same day of the collected label
  2. performs a feature normalization
  3. filters empty features and days with a large amount of missing data
  4. imputes the rest of the missing data using median
  5. puts the data into a DataRepo and return it

Its prep_model function is left empty for custom implementation.

This object can serve as a starting point and other traditional ML algorithms can extend DepressionDetectionAlgorithm_ML_basic.

For example, the implementation of Saeb et al.'s algorithm can be found algorithm/ and config/ml_saeb.yaml.

How to add a DL algorithm

We use ERM (algorithm/ as the basic deep learning algorithm DepressionDetectionAlgorithm_DL_erm that extends DepressionDetectionAlgorithmBase.

Its prep_data_repo function

  1. prepares a set of data loaders MultiSourceDataGenerator as training&validation or testing set
  2. puts them into a DataRepo and returns it

Its prep_model function

  1. defines a standard deep-learning classifier DepressionDetectionClassifier_DL_erm that extends DepressionDetectionClassifierBase
  2. defines how a deep model should be trained, saved, and evaluated. The training setup is parameterized in config files such as config/dl_erm_1dCNN.yaml.

This algorithm can serve as a starting point, and other DL algorithms can extend DepressionDetectionAlgorithm_DL_erm and DepressionDetectionClassifier_DL_erm.

For example, the implementation of IRM algorithm can be found at algorithm/ and config/dl_irm.yaml.

For both traditional ML and DL algorithms, if the pre-implementation is not help, developers can also start from the plain DepressionDetectionAlgorithmBase and DepressionDetectionClassifierBase.

How to add a new dataset

To include a new dataset in the pipeline, follow the steps:

  1. Define the name of the new dataset with the template [group name]_[dataset NO in the group], e.g., ABC_1.
  2. Following the same structure as other dataset folders in data_raw, the new dataset folder (e.g.,, ABC_1) needs to contain three subfolders. Please refer to GLOBEM Datasets page for more details:
    • FeatureData
      • A csv file rapids.csv indexed by pid and date for feature data, and separate files [data_type].csv indexed by pid and date for each data type.
      • Each row is a feature vector of a subject at a given date. Example columns: [pid, date, feature1, feature2...].
      • Columns include all sensor features of Phone Location, Phone Screen, Calls, Bluetooth, Fitbit Steps, and Fitbit Sleep from RAPIDS toolkit.
    • SurveyData
      • csv files indexed by pid and date for label data.
      • For depression detection specifically, there are two files: dep_weekly.csv and dep_endterm.csv.
      • For other tasks, there are three files: pre.csv, post.csv, and ema.csv.
    • ParticipantsInfoData
      • A csv file platform.csv indexed by pid for data collection device platform (i.e., iOS or Android).
      • Example columns of the file: [pid, platform].
  3. Register the new path in data/ by adding new key-value pairs in the following dictionaries: feature_folder, survey_folder, and device_info_folder (e.g., adding {"ABC": {1: ...}}).
  4. Register the new dataset key into the config/global_config.yaml into global_config["all"]["ds_keys"] (e.g., appending "ABC_1").

How to add a new modeling target

Our current platform only supports binary classification tasks. Future work will be needed to extend to multi-classification and regression tasks. To build a model for a new target other than depression detection, please follow the steps:

  1. Pick a column in either ema.csv, or post.csv (see data_raw/ for more details) as the target name.
    • Note that the picked column needs to be consistent across all datasets defined in config/global_config.yaml. A column in pre.csv would also work as long as the date can be handled correctly. Here UCLA_10items_POST from post.csv is used as an example, a metric measuring loneliness.
  2. Define the binary label for the target in data/'s threshold_book.
    • A simple threshold based method is used to add a key:value pair to the threshold_book, where key is the target name and value is a dionctionary {"threshold_as_false": th1, "threshold_as_true":th2} (note that th1 is different from th2).
    • For example, for UCLA_10items_POST, scores < = 24 will be defined as False, and scores > 24 will be True. This corresponds to adding the following key:value pair to the threshold_book: "UCLA_10items_POST": {"threshold_as_false": 24, "threshold_as_true":25}.
  3. Define it in the config/global_config.yaml to involve it in the pipeline.
    • Replace global_config["all"]["prediction_tasks"] to be [the new target]. Continuing the example, it will be ["UCLA_10items_POST"].