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Data Types
Survey Data

Survey Data

Data Files

The SurveyData folder contains five files, all indexed by pid and date:

  • pre.csv: The file contains all questionnaires that participants filled in right before the start of the data collection study (thus pre-study).
  • post.csv: The file contains all questionnaires that participants filled in right after the end of the data collection study (thus post-study).
  • ema.csv: The file contains all EMA surveys that participants filled in during the study. Some EMAs were delivered on Wednesdays, while some were delivered on Sundays.

Our current benchmark takes depression detection as the main task. Thus we also prepare the following two files. We envision future work can be extended to other modeling targets as well.

  • dep_weekly.csv: The specific file for depression labels (column dep) combining post and EMA surveys.
  • dep_endterm.csv: The specific file for depression labels (column dep) only in post surveys. Some prior depression detection tasks focus on end-of-term depression prediction.

Survey Details

Please find the following pages about specific surveys available in our datasets.