EMA Survey
In addition to pre/post surveys, we also delivered weekly Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) surveys during the study to collect in-the-moment self-report data. They mainly focus on capturing participants' recent sense of their mental health.
Full Name: Patient Health Questionnaire 4
Description: A 4-item scale assessing (a) mental health, (b) anxiety, and (c) depression. Higher values indicate higher risk of mental health, anxiety, and depression.
Available in Datasets: INS-2
, INS-3
, INS-4
Reference: K. Kroenke, R. L. Spitzer, J. B. Williams, and B. Löwe. An ultra-brief screening scale for anxiety and depression: the phq–4. Psychosomatics, 50(6):613–621, 2009.
PHQ-4: The four-item patient health questionnaire for anxiety and depression. https://www.oregonpainguidance.org/app/content/uploads/2016/05/PHQ-4.pdf, 2016.
Full Name: Perceived Stress Scale 4
Description: A 4-item scale assessing stress levels during the last month. Higher values indicates more perceived stress.
Available in Datasets: INS-2
, INS-3
, INS-4
Reference: S. Cohen, T. Kamarck, and R. Mermelstein. A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of health and social behavior, pages 385–396, 1983.
Perceived Stress Scale 4 (PSS-4). http://www.ohnurses.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Perceived-Stress-Scale-41.pdf.
Full Name: Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
Description: A 10-item scale measuring the level of (a) positive and (b) negative affects. Higher values indicates larger extent.
Available in Datasets: INS-2
, INS-3
, INS-4
Reference: D. Watson, L. A. Clark, and A. Tellegen. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: the panas scales. Journal of personality and social psychology, 54(6):1063, 1988.
Positive and negative affect schedule (panas-sf). https://ogg.osu.edu/media/documents/MB%20Stream/PANAS.pdf.