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Data Types

Call Features

We employ features from RAPIDS-Call that cover the statistics of incoming/outgoing calls' duration (count, sum, mean, std, max, min, entropy), and the count of missed calls.

Feature Name Unit Description
count calls Number of calls of a particular call_type (incoming/outgoing) occurred during a particular time_segment.
distinctcontacts contacts Number of distinct contacts that are associated with a particular call_type for a particular time_segment.
meanduration seconds The mean duration of all calls of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
sumduration seconds The sum of the duration of all calls of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
minduration seconds The duration of the shortest call of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
maxduration seconds The duration of the longest call of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
stdduration seconds The standard deviation of the duration of all the calls of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
modeduration seconds The mode of the duration of all the calls of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
entropyduration nats The estimate of the Shannon entropy for the the duration of all the calls of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment.
timefirstcall minutes The time in minutes between 12:00am (midnight) and the first call of call_type.
timelastcall minutes The time in minutes between 12:00am (midnight) and the last call of call_type.
countmostfrequentcontact calls The number of calls of a particular call_type during a particular time_segment of the most frequent contact throughout the monitored period.