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Data Types
Physical Activity

Physical Activity Feature

We utilize physical activity features from RAPIDS-Fitbit-Steps. They include both high-level features (number of steps, duration of being active), and low-level features about the statistics of active or sedentary episodes (mean, std, max, min).

Feature Name Unit Description
maxsumsteps steps The maximum daily step count during a time segment.
minsumsteps steps The minimum daily step count during a time segment.
avgsumsteps steps The average daily step count during a time segment.
mediansumsteps steps The median of daily step count during a time segment.
stdsumsteps steps The standard deviation of daily step count during a time segment.
sumsteps steps The total step count during a time segment.
maxsteps steps The maximum step count during a time segment.
minsteps steps The minimum step count during a time segment.
avgsteps steps The average step count during a time segment.
stdsteps steps The standard deviation of step count during a time segment.
countepisodesedentarybout bouts Number of sedentary bouts during a time segment.
sumdurationsedentarybout minutes Total duration of all sedentary bouts during a time segment.
maxdurationsedentarybout minutes The maximum duration of any sedentary bout during a time segment.
mindurationsedentarybout minutes The minimum duration of any sedentary bout during a time segment.
avgdurationsedentarybout minutes The average duration of sedentary bouts during a time segment.
stddurationsedentarybout minutes The standard deviation of the duration of sedentary bouts during a time segment.
countepisodeactivebout bouts Number of active bouts during a time segment.
sumdurationactivebout minutes Total duration of all active bouts during a time segment.
maxdurationactivebout minutes The maximum duration of any active bout during a time segment.
mindurationactivebout minutes The minimum duration of any active bout during a time segment.
avgdurationactivebout minutes The average duration of active bouts during a time segment.
stddurationactivebout minutes The standard deviation of the duration of active bouts during a time segment.